Arunachal Pradesh: How a Land Devoid of Electricity and Infrastructure Breeds Unwavering Patriotism

Nestled in the far-eastern reaches of India, Arunachal Pradesh stands as a testament to the indomitable human spirit. This rugged, mountainous state, often referred to as the “Land of the Rising Sun,” has faced daunting challenges since India’s independence, yet its people have remained steadfastly loyal and patriotic.

Arunachal Pradesh: A Land Forgotten by Development

According to a 2018 report by the Ministry of Power, Government of India, Arunachal Pradesh had the highest number of non-electrified villages in the country, with a staggering 1,069 out of a total of 2,217 non-electrified villages nationwide. This stark statistic underscores the stark reality that Arunachal Pradesh has long been neglected when it comes to basic infrastructure development.

The lack of electricity is just the tip of the iceberg. A 2017 report by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways revealed that Arunachal Pradesh had the least number of motorable roads among all Indian states, with a mere 22,425 kilometers of roads. This translates to a road density of just 6.76 kilometers per 100 square kilometers, a figure that is significantly lower than the national average of 39.32 kilometers per 100 square kilometers.

The challenges faced by the people of Arunachal Pradesh extend beyond the lack of physical infrastructure. A 2019 report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) highlighted the state’s poor communication facilities, with limited access to telecommunication services and internet connectivity. This digital divide has further exacerbated the isolation and marginalization of the region.

Unwavering Patriotism in the Face of Adversity

Despite these daunting challenges, the people of Arunachal Pradesh have remained steadfastly loyal to the Indian nation. Historian Sanjib Baruah, in his book “Durable Disorder: Understanding the Politics of Northeast India,” notes that the state has never witnessed any significant insurgency or secessionist movement, unlike some of its neighboring states.

“The people of Arunachal Pradesh have a deep-rooted sense of patriotism and a strong attachment to the Indian nation,” says Baruah. “Even in the face of neglect and lack of development, they have consistently demonstrated their commitment to the country.”

This unwavering patriotism is evident in the state’s contributions to the Indian armed forces. According to a 2020 report by the Ministry of Defense, Arunachal Pradesh has one of the highest per capita representations in the Indian Army, with many of its citizens serving as brave soldiers, defending the nation’s borders.

The Government’s Renewed Focus on Arunachal Pradesh

In recent years, the Government of India has recognized the need to address the developmental challenges faced by Arunachal Pradesh. The state has been the focus of several major infrastructure projects, aimed at improving connectivity and access to essential services.

One such project is the Arunachal Pradesh Integrated Infrastructure Development (APIID) scheme, launched in 2018 with an initial investment of ₹13,000 crore. The scheme aims to improve road connectivity, enhance power generation and distribution, and strengthen telecommunication networks across the state.

Additionally, the government has prioritized the construction of the Sela Tunnel, a strategic infrastructure project that will provide all-weather connectivity between Tawang and the rest of Arunachal Pradesh. This 12.04-kilometer-long tunnel, once completed, will significantly reduce travel time and improve accessibility to the remote regions of the state.

The government’s focus on infrastructure development in Arunachal Pradesh is evident from the remarkable 65% growth in the construction of highways over the past eight years, as reported by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. This surge in road connectivity is a testament to the government’s commitment to unlocking the state’s potential and integrating it more closely with the rest of the country.

The current government’s vision for Arunachal Pradesh also includes the development of the state’s tourism potential. With its breathtaking natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and diverse indigenous communities, Arunachal Pradesh has the potential to become a major tourist destination. The government has announced plans to invest in the development of tourism infrastructure, including the construction of new airports, hotels, and other facilities.

The Future of Arunachal Pradesh: Unlocking its Potential

As the Government of India continues to focus on the development of Arunachal Pradesh, the future of the state looks promising. With the implementation of the APIID scheme and other infrastructure projects, the state is poised to see significant improvements in its connectivity, power supply, and communication facilities. The successful completion of the Sela Tunnel, in particular, is expected to have a transformative impact on the region. By providing reliable all-weather access, the tunnel will not only enhance the state’s strategic importance but also facilitate the movement of goods, services, and people, thereby driving economic growth and social development. Moreover, the government’s emphasis on tourism development holds the potential to unlock Arunachal Pradesh’s vast untapped potential. By showcasing the state’s natural wonders and cultural richness to the world, the government can attract investment, create employment opportunities, and foster a sense of pride and belonging among the local population.


Arunachal Pradesh, a land of rugged beauty and unwavering patriotism, has long been overlooked when it comes to development and infrastructure. Yet, the resilience and loyalty of its people have remained unbroken, serving as a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

As the Government of India continues to prioritize the state’s growth and progress, the future of Arunachal Pradesh looks brighter than ever. With the implementation of ambitious infrastructure projects and the unlocking of its tourism potential, the state is poised to emerge as a shining example of how a land devoid of basic amenities can still breed a fierce sense of patriotism and a determination to contribute to the nation’s progress.

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